Hello guys! This is my first blog post so bear with me because this might be terrible. Anyways, as you guys may know (or not know http://mylzh.net/content.php?1624-Introducing), we were recently picked up by Abschatten to represent Lzuruha's Dota 2 team. This was indeed exciting news for everyone but there were many questions left unanswered. One of the more important questions I will be answering in this post is "Where can we watch you guys play?". Below is a list of where you guys can spectate us!

1) Streams - All 5 of us will be streaming, from pub games to practice games to actual matches.
- twitch.tv/epizootic
- twitch.tv/lzhfk
- twitch.tv/jeeverly
- twitch.tv/loudmetal
- twitch.tv/snodota
We will all be actively streaming soon. We will keep you guys updated on when we will start!

2) Spectating in Dota 2 client - we will most likely be playing Team Match Making games (TMM) and with that, you can add one of us and be able to spectate our games through DotaTV.
- Epizootic - http://steamcommunity.com/id/epizootic/
- Sno - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sn0616
- LoudMetal - http://steamcommunity.com/id/LoudMetal
- Jeeves - http://steamcommunity.com/id/jeeverly/
- FK - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965625279

3) Upcoming tournaments - Currently we are participating in CEVO Season 3 Placement Matches and Overclock.net Dota 2 Tournament. We will keep you guys updated on available tournament streams and our schedule. We will also be participating in more tournaments in the future.
- http://www.cevo.com/event/dota2/standings/51/98/119/ (CEVO S3)
- http://binarybeast.com/xDOTA21309111 (Overclock.net tourny)

There you have it! If you guys have anymore questions, you can message me here or on Steam. Also if you guys want to play with any of us, just shoot us a message and we will see if we have free time!

- Epizootic