Lzuruha's main league of legends team is in Korea.

We have been preparing to compete in Korea for a few months now and are finally here to participate in the most competitive region in the world. Our current roster consists of four original members and two substitutes from Korea (one original member couldn't come).

We are practicing as much as our schedule allows, focusing on blending into Korean server and players and building a team synergy between original members and substitutes. We are playing Solo-q to rework and develop our individual mechanics and meta while playing ranked 5's for teamwork and communication .

Korean scene is much stronger than NA scene as we expected. For example, Solo-q gold players are as skilled as NA plat or diamond players. However Koreans tend to give up and rage very easily, so called "glass-mental". KR player base is larger and wider and we believe we are going to gain more from the experience. (I will make a seperate thread on the forum discussing about Korean Scene)

We are looking to compete in as many tournaments as we can for the summer. We have already been in the local tournament and was placed in 1st. Our team morale and confidence are high and all of us are getting along very well. We believe it will be difficult to be placed at the top as we go into bigger tournaments but we are looking to play our best.


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arius, sarang(empty seat) rainsound, firebat, sub from left to right
picture from the local tournament