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InfiniteWarfare Leaks: Multiplayer maps

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  • InfiniteWarfare Leaks: Multiplayer maps

    InfiniteWarfare Leaks: Multiplayer maps

    Let’s list the confirmed maps before getting into the details of each; the confirmed maps for the beta is as follows: mp_frontier, mp_metropolis, mp_proto, mp_proto, mp_quarry, mp_divide, mp_desert, mp_skyway, mp_parkour, mp_riot, mp_fallen, mp_rivet, mp_breakneck.
    Some maps description:

    • mp_frontier – Throughout the playlists we can see a playlist called “2-man Dome Only” which in version 105 is hosting the map ‘mp_dome_ns’ which is a Ghosts map. However, in version 229 this playlist (and it’s 18 player version) hosts mp_frontier. Time will tell if this is just the developers being lazy or if this is a remake of the MW3 map mp_dome.
    • mp_proto – In the soundfiles of Infinite Warfare we can find ambient music for a “proto-viper” spaceship. When we look at the soundfiles for Ghosts however we can find “intel_proto_ramos” where a scientist talks about the research that goes into the ship we sink in Ghosts singleplayer. Thus it’s speculated that this map is the continuation of his research.
    • mp_skyway – In the singleplayer version of Ghosts we get to play on a map called ‘skyway’. Given massive amount of repurposed content from Ghosts in Infinite Warfare, we assume that this is a continuation of the designs explored in that level.
    • mp_fallen – Other than there being a MW3 map with the same name, not much is known. Infinite Warfare does include soundfiles for mp_lambeth which is the name of the MW3 version but the actual mapfiles include references to both popcorn and theater signs.
    • mp_breakneck – While having no information about the map itself, our experts think this is a homage to the Halo:CE map with the same name based on the futuristic setting and Activision working closely with Bungie on their Destiny title. A random thought.
    You can get the full map details here:
