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Nether Exploiting Debate

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  • Nether Exploiting Debate

    I been talking to a few people and across the board, LzH City and Iron Bank all agreed that the way the current nether travel is kinda lame and takes away from many aspects of the game such as using transit carts, horses etc to travel. Ontop of all of that it is a glitch by passing the bedrock to do this.

    Dont have an issue with using the nether to travel, but it has to be in the nether. Not out of bounds...

    I was wondering what others opinions are on this as well and should this practice be banned since it is glitching/exploiting.

  • #2
    Well, it doesn't really affect me much unless someone decides to try and fuck with the Iron Bank but I am not a big fan of bugs like that and agree that it takes away from aspects of the game like the transit carts, which are an awesome thing to have setup. To me, it makes the nether feel like a cheap, easy transportation method when before the nether felt like a dangerous place to go only if prepared. Personally, I still just run through the legit nether areas to travel when I need to.

    It could also be fun with the danger factor of making legit pathways in the nether with minecarts and rails or walls/ceilings. Could make it into a fun little project.
    Last edited by OGXero; 06-30-2014, 03:20 AM.


    • #3
      I agree, its lame as hell and takes parts of the game out of the game. Exploring the outter world or the nether is exciting and difficult. cheating through bedrock to avoid everything because people have manginas suck. Railway master race!


      • #4
        agreed we will do a lets build on making a railway thx for the input plugged up by tasha i think i put signs not to build up there


        • #5
          We are going to need a Iron Golem farm for this for sure since that is going to be a ton of Iron
          If you get at least the amount you put into it then go ahead. Otherwise I suggest you don't do it.


          • #6
            there are ways to prevent people from being on top of the nether, but im not 100% of how to do that


            • #7
              It abuses a glitch, i'm personally not a fan. But ultimately building a railway in a cobble tunnel would be just as safe, faster than running and jumping, and save on food.

              So I figure this sound like a good opportunity to make such a system. And I'm fairly certain, dont quote me. but doing constant direction changes on a track causes the cart to go full speed but diagonally. Which is faster still than going 500 blocks north then 500 blocks west. just have alternating north and west turns if that makes sense.


              • #8
                @GilleyTheSilly: That would be correct, alternating rails cause going diagonally (which is actually causes the cart to go faster itself) and faster lengthwise, but i agree that it should be in a cobble tunnel and not on top of the nether (where we are trying to prevent players from accessing)

