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Raegwynsolo solo: Sha of Fear

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  • Raegwynsolo solo: Sha of Fear

    50% of my wipes occured because random FPS drops. if you like to help me out getting a new PC you can donate here:
    (i promise to spent it only for alcohol or new gaming equipment aka a PC that can handle Streaming)

    Raegwynsolo (now on Stormscale EU) soloing T14 endboss before t15 is over hmmkay
    3 months and 30+ itemlevel difference, same opponent, same buttons pressed.

    As i expected in my other sha vid which you can find here: this kill was a big disappointment. i dealed almost 3 times the damage that i did in my other video while outhealing it wasnt an issue this time.
    So i basically just had to keep trying till the RNG gods like me to beat the enrage and the real Challenge was gone...
    I used as much DPS gear as i had what basically means unupgraded dps gear + lots of upgraded tankgear with critgems and critreforge.

    Originally i didnt want to release a video of this boss because of how disappointing DPS races feel. But well, i didnt release something since a while, and its the freaking Contentendboss of T14 soooo Yeah... (and the killshot is just prizeless)
    You should still read the description of my Sha of Berserk video to understand why i dont make videos for any solokill i do.

    I promised to Thank various people for helping me getting this possible so thx to: my whole guild for gear, Ediel, Rooney, Miabella!!!, Chrispotter, Niyalor, Xalathras, Pehmil, Fittfejesbois, Hayek, Mystógam, Jhoppe, Lazyfellôw, DJghóst, Noscopeheals, xcution, arhisolo, dempton and anyone else i forgot^^

    Very Special Thanks to Hayek for giving me tha lootz i needed

    Yes i used the 15% haste buff from heroic to compensate my missing dps gear. should be totally possible without it, with fully upgraded BiS dps gear though.

    To anyone who still wants to bitch around because of the hastebuff. It requires you to bring sha of fear heroic to 66% what is exactly the same amount of HP as he has on normalmode with exactly the same mechanics.
    since he does slightly more dmg on heroic mode the amount of vengeance you gain is high enough to solo it to 66% for the buff without having it (even with my gear), what pretty much looks exactly the same as soloing him on normalmode, while it is a bit harder to survive. i dont say i did solo heroic to 66% i got help. but i tried it one single time and brought him to 78% without much issues while DPS was totally enough so yeah. im very sure i COULD have soloed the hastebuff too IF i cared, with pressing exactly the same buttons as in this vid, if i just spent enough time on it.
    saying its not a legit solokill because of using a buff that i could probably make aviable myself is just dumb.

    i decided to get help for it to save time for the actual kill, since i didnt think people would care that much about a buff that is common known. why should i run around 15 minutes to get a buff to run around another 15 minutes doing exactly the same?

    for me its pretty much the same as i do on other kills were i invite friends to speed up trash that i could solo to save time for actual progression but its up to you how you see it i dont care.


    EnV - RPM
    EnV - Vee
    EnV - Paladin
    (Support this Awesome artist!!!)

  • #2
    Jesus Christ...this dude doesn't fail to amaze me... I remember first seeing his videos awhile back...made me roll DK for like a month... :P


    • #3
      DK's are so OP. This is why we love them. <3

      My full respect to this guy and his work. Even with his OP class, it still takes a lot of skill to do this (and a good amount of luck as well. Praise Phillip!)


      • #4

