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Balance Update Coming! (7/2)

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  • Balance Update Coming! (7/2)

    And the game gets another shuffle, new metas and old back in.

    • Rascals:
      • Rascal Boy: Hitpoints -5.3\%
      • Rascal Girl: First attack slower

    Rascals provide too much value for their cost, and we wanted to give them a trim without destroying what makes the card so useful. The Boy will take fewer hits to kill and Girls will take a bit longer to wind up their slingshots.
    • Mortar: Area Damage -3.5\%, Hitpoints -4\%

    Mortar's low cost and long range make it a reliable card for chipping damage onto the tower and a very passable defensive unit. We want to reduce the damage it deals to towers while keeping all interactions the same - Princesses still beware!
    • Witch: Hitpoints +17\%, Spawn Speed increased 7sec -> 5sec, Hit Speed slower 0.7sec -> 1sec

    Witch has long played second fiddle to Wizard, Executioner, and other ranged attackers. She has the lowest win rate in the game, which is disappointing for one of the starting Epics. Instead of buffing her damage, we opted to lower her damage and make her a tough Skeleton summoner! She will now survive Fireball + Log and create Skeletons at a faster rate, making her a unique support troop to hide behind tanks.
    • Fire Spirits: Area Damage +5\%

    This damage buff will make Furnace a bit more threatening, and allow a pack of Fire Spirits to destroy a Flying Machine!
    • Bomber: Range increased 4.5 -> 5

    He's been focusing on arm day at the gym lately, and the results are good! Now he can throw his bombs further and will be easier to use behind a tank.
    • Mega Minion: Hit Speed slower 1.5sec -> 1.6sec

    The flying menace is a strong defender and formidable attacker. For 3 Elixir, Mega Minion does it all and that's reflected in extremely high use rates and win rates. This minor nerf will slow down its defensive capabilities while still allowing two attacks on an undefended tower.
    • Goblins: Hitpoints -1\%

    As part of an ongoing project to standardize interactions, we're fixing a rounding error here - Minions will now two-hit Goblins at every level!
    • Giant Snowball/Royal Hogs: Added to Clan Wars Collection Day card pool
    • Draft Sets: Updated to greatly reduced the chance of getting too many building-targeting troops in the same draft