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Let's Start a Community Night!

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  • #31
    Okay I think we need to group up on this via vent or irc sometime. I think planning something that ranges past many different timezones is causing a lot of trouble and I think the only way we could work this out is for all of us to group together via IRC or vent one day in the near future and write down a gameplan we can copy and paste into this thread. Only reason I didn't reply in so many days was due to I was waiting for many people to reply and give their ideas and suggestions to this thread. Though I learn that ues forums are a great way to pass information it isn't 100% solid on getting realtime results on which we need for this event.
    If you get at least the amount you put into it then go ahead. Otherwise I suggest you don't do it.


    • #32
      It is being hashed out in the manager meetings in regards to start time and duration accounting for time zones and we have made solid progress sorting that, but I will bring it up again during tomorrow's meeting. However it is not a priority at the moment as the Zelda Mini Marathon is the priority for events right now and we need to focus on the site upgrade and promotions once that is done before we get to heavily into it at this point.

      Due to changes in the last month or so the priorities have shifted a little bit but it is still being worked on and I will be sure to talk to the community and event managers during tomorrows meeting and see if we can get some solid framework to post here so we can see what people think.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Dampylle View Post
        It is being hashed out in the manager meetings in regards to start time and duration accounting for time zones and we have made solid progress sorting that, but I will bring it up again during tomorrow's meeting. However it is not a priority at the moment as the Zelda Mini Marathon is the priority for events right now and we need to focus on the site upgrade and promotions once that is done before we get to heavily into it at this point.

        Due to changes in the last month or so the priorities have shifted a little bit but it is still being worked on and I will be sure to talk to
        the community and event managers during tomorrows meeting and see if we can get some solid framework to post here so we can see what people think.


        • #34
          Yeah im a bit out of the loop when it comes on to what the priorities are at the moment. Though I would like to help anyway I could with the Zelda one.
          If you get at least the amount you put into it then go ahead. Otherwise I suggest you don't do it.


          • #35
            Okay after the meeting this is what we have so far.

            Time for event.

            We are leaning towards a weekend and debating between an all afternoon/evening window or working in two phases with a break in between to try and account for people in multiple time zones.

            As for the event itself so far the consensus seems to be a 3 week system with a week off or perhaps a random event for the 4th week. The confirmed events so far would be

            Week 1 - Race of a specific game announced ahead of time
            Week 2 - Wildcard Race
            Week 3 - Community Showcase

            The wild card race would be an interesting addition for everyone. We would compile a list of possible games to be raced (so that people have them on hand) and then we would randomly select the game to be raced so that no one would know what the game was going in. Going in blind adds a little excitement to the race and means no one will ever know exactly what they will get, we can also spice this up by updating or changing the game list from time to time.

            The community showcase would let us take one or two bigger streamers and then some lesser known ones ans basically just showcase them on the channel. We could do this either as a sort of variety show or with a specific theme be it game style, franchise, or even specific game so it has a good bit of flexibility.


            • #36
              Sounds good. Once their is more details on dates its going to happen I be Hyped!
              If you get at least the amount you put into it then go ahead. Otherwise I suggest you don't do it.


              • #37
                Is this still a thing? I want to participate!!
                LzH Speedrunner
                Super Metroid Any% 53:27
                CALL ME PNOTE


                • #38
                  Yeah, depending on the times, I would be interested as well.
                  Todd C.

                  My personal bests (PB Tracker)

