Lzuruha played ViLLAiNSgg (6-6-0) on de_mirage in ESEA Main (13/07/2016). Before the match began, it was a rocky start for ViLLAiNSgg as they needed to find one more to complete their roster. Once the game begun however they were able to make the first half on the Terrorist side for Lzuruha a close even half 8-7 in our favor. However once on the Counter-Terrorist side it showed that their team wouldn't be able to hold up against ours with their issues going on and Lzuruha closed it out 8-5 on the Counter-Terrorist side; ending the match 16-12 in our favor and now 10-4-0 in ESEA Main! Next match will be against InControl Gaming!
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Statement on the match from Colt:
The VillainsGG team was kind of falling apart and they picked up a last minute 5th for this match. We know some of the players on their team can be pretty nutty at times so we tried not to take the match too lightly. We knew they would have minimal strats and just pug out, which they pretty much did. They were hitting better shots than us and were able to pick up quite a few rounds on us. But at the end of the day, even when our aim isn't on point, we still win with teamwork.