Lzuruha is looking for an admin for the Feed The Beast server. This person will help make sure things go smooth on the support forums and in game... AKA You're a baby sitter and make sure people play nice in the sandbox! With Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved, there are some recipes that don't work and what we allow is people being able to trade the items in to create it (then delete it) and give them the items that cannot be made in game. This will be one of your major duties but not only one. Check below for what you will be expected to know.
What we're looking for in an admin for the server:
- Active on the server.
- Responsible as you will have OP access.
- Familiar with basic server commands like add/remove people from whitelist.
- Familiar with the Lzuruha Minecraft Forums.
- Familiar with FeedTheBeast Items a bit.
- Want to grow the Minecraft community.
What is Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved?
The Feed the Beast Infinity Evolved is a general all purpose modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10. It is similar to Feed The Beast Resurrection in that both packs have similar mods. FTB Infinity was added to the launcher on February 5th, 2015. It is mainly aimed at players who want to have all the different types of mods in one modpack. It contains ~175 mods and thus it's not recommended for large servers. The pack offers an Expert Mode option.